Baby Margarertha Special in Car Photoshoots ONE MONTH TO A FLATTER BELLY
Wouldn't it be great if the hundreds of
gimmicky ab workouts for women like the Ab Rocket and Belly Burner actually did what they c
laim? That we could get the flawless tummies we see in infomercials without having to do much of anything? Now that would be heaven on earth. Well, there's good news: "You don't have to do 500 crunches in order to get a great-looking stomach," says celebrity fitness and lifestyle expert Ashley Conrad. But the bad news is there really is no magic ab trick, she says. See the ab workout that'll get you a flatter belly in 30 days.
Nutrition and cardio are still the king and queen of the perfect-ab kingdom. You must reduce fat around your midsection a
nd do various ab workouts for women in order to have nice-looking tummy. So if that's the case, how many hours must we spend chained to the treadmill in order to get abs we're proud to flaunt in a bikini? And isn't there anything else we can do to speed up the process? Read on for the answers. This easy-to-f
ollow belly-flattening program created by Conrad will put you on the path to better abs without making you a slave to the gym. Simply implement this cardio and muscle-strengthening routine along with the key nutrition tips and within days you'll start to notice a difference. After a few weeks you'll actually see true
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